I did three projects: a graphic design project, a user interface design project and a brand project.
I believe that a good graphic design can help a brand to increase its visibility and have a positive and important impact on the consumer. In my graphic design project, which is also a signage project, I researched a physical art museum: The Art museum of Nanjing University of the Arts. I redesigned the entire guide system to make it more reasonable, so that, the audience will get better experience.
My second project is a Ui design project, which is about an art app called ARTIST. This is an app for mobile devices, which focuses more on increasing the interaction between the public and the art professionals.
My third project is a brand design project about helping the European gaming brand GANAR BET to join the Chinese market. I emphasized the characteristics of the collision between the traditional culture and the betting industry. I think increasing the intimacy of consumers in the mainland China can enrich the functionality of the brand and expand the market.
我的第三个项目是一个关于帮助欧洲游戏品牌GANAR BET开拓中国市场的品牌设计项目。我在项目中强调了传统文化和博彩文化的冲突性。我认为增加同中国大陆用户的亲密度能够增强品牌的功能性并帮助品牌扩大市场。
XU Wenting 徐雯婷 Every human being has fantasies. The fantasies from when one is little vary and change over time when one becomes an adult. If those fantasies do not find a way to enter reality, they transform into memories or keep developing in different ...
JewelleryHong Yu洪雨 The inspiration of my work came from the incident of breaking the teapot which I treasured for the past 10 years. I want to capture the fear for unknown future misfortunes...
JewelleryXu LuoJun许罗君 My desire to investigate the boundaries between repulsion and attraction has led me to use woven textiles mending broken daily objects, and provide them with strong new life. Thus the series is entitled “Mend the Gap.”...
fashion design董芷苓认为首饰设计是将记忆与感受具象化的过程。首饰不仅仅是装饰物还是记录我情感历程的工具,它像相册一样让人值得珍惜。 ...
JewelleryLeaky 陈力祺 “One could have many pets in a lifetime, but a pet may only have one owner.” Through my video I wish to bring public attention and awareness to the issues of stray animals, in order to initiate discussion, movement and action on how to protect t...
Visual Communication我一直以来对绘画都有极大的兴趣,所以我一直希望去尝试不同的绘画媒介来创作一些不一样的作品,或者把它们结合在一起从而孕育出一些独特的东西。...
Visual Communication运用不同的颜色和形状来区分公共区域和隐私区域,而隐私线的形状是根据人进入空间的视线范围的改变来设计的。提醒女士在进入该不太隐私区域的时候需要注意举止。...
Interior DesignHE Xurui 何旭蕊 This project is a design for my name. The first word of my name is "xu" that means the rising of the sun. I want to record the dawn so that I took a series of pictures of the sunrise as my material. After that, I made another material which i...
Visual CommunicationJI Yanyu 季彦妤In the Rococo period, the corset made up an essential part in women’s fashion. Women liked to wear corsets in order to shape their bodies. ...
JewelleryWu Jiaying 吴佳颖:建筑之所以对我意义非法,是因为在我开始我的旅程之前,你可以用日语单词“OTAKU”来描述我的个性(这是对那些有强迫性兴趣并且总是关闭公共社交的人的贬低)。然而建...
ArchitectureLiu Yu 刘瑜:当你不自觉将我们的身体带入到我的作品中时,你可能会发出疑问 – 到底是我们装饰了首饰还是首饰装饰了我们?...
JewelleryChen Xiaoyi 陈小艺 Jewellery is my faith. It not only carries our emotions, thoughts, experiences and memories, but also gives us power, courage and confidence. It could even be a hiding ‘place’, or a companion to rely on. ...
Visual CommunicationXU Ruiqing 徐瑞卿In my work I want to encourage the viewer to produce less waste, to be more environmentally aware and to protect wildlife....
Moving Image2015年8月在AIVA开始她的作品集课程。本科不是学艺术设计的她,经过为期三个月的学习,在建筑设计中展现出不凡的天赋。获得4所美国名校OFFER...
portfolioArchitectural design我常关心身边的一些社会问题以及其带来的影响,尤其是现代生活中消费主义这一话题。...
Jewellery她认为首饰是佩戴者身份和归属的语言象征。 她注重艺术中的民主性。 她致力于观众参与探索的艺术形式,使首饰在设计中更具功能意义。 她的作品也可以是有互动性的工具。 ...
JewelleryBAO Yangyi 鲍杨艺 I explore these natural forms by experimenting with different materials such as balloons, nail varnish and glass. I use glass to emulate laboratory equipment such as Petri dishes as they are originally used to cultivate bacteria and fungi....
JewelleryZhu Aijing 朱艾婧 My work “City Builders” is a response to the topic ‘Spring Festival’. For this festival the majority of people in China return to their hometowns to be with their families. ...
Visual Communication我认为插画是一种用来表达自己态度和看法的媒介,富有想象力和创造力,可以将简单枯燥的事物用自己有趣的想法表现出来。...
IllustrationZhang Beibei 张贝贝:我认为现在对我来说是一个好的机会去用我自己的管理能力经营一个属于自己的企业。...
luxury jewellery management她认为首饰是比文字,插画更高阶的输出观点的媒介。由于首饰是三维甚至四维的,并且它与人体紧密联系,所以首饰能传递更切身的体会和更深层次的思考。...
portfoliofashion desigTracy 刘轩羽 I designed a space which can be used as an unplugged amplifier. It also provides a comfortable and private environment for the performers. ...
Interior Design卞雨田执着于观察生活中所发生的人,自然与艺术的碰撞,每一次对周围生活的观察与探索都让她有了新的视角。...
fashion designTANG Xiyang 唐希阳The series entitled "Burnish" is inspired by a Japanese movie called ‘Whisper of the Heart’. Like the girl in the movie, I think people are all like rough stones with inner talents that have not yet been explored....
Design ManagementIn my opinion, there are too many high-rise buildings in Shanghai. Sometimes, I get the impression that the number of skyscrapers has exceeded the level of public tolerance. In some cases, those buildings can be a real threat to city living, since they ca...
Visual Communication